Friday, September 20, 2013

Blog Posting 3: Facebook Privacy Settings

The privacy settings on Facebook are important to check into and see if your information you share on Facebook is safe. These privacy settings allow you to secure your Facebook information and allow you to control what people see and what they don't see on your page. You are allowed to customize the privacy settings and make your profile as personal or as public as you would like. People should take in to consideration on what people see and who can see what you are doing in your life.

My current privacy setting do not reflect me the best professionally. I do have some privacy settings, but looking at the settings in a professional way, I could have more protection on who can view my profile and what they can see on my profile. If employers are allowed to look at future employees’ profiles, I don't think they would get a very good first impression, they would see a girl who likes to drink and judging by my 4,777 photos, likes to do it a lot. So looking at my Facebook profile in a professional way, my privacy settings could use an update.

The changes I will make to my privacy settings will probably make my Facebook profile less public to people who are not my "Friends" on Facebook. I do have some privacy settings already that block my photos that I am tagged in from random people looking at them. But I feel like there are more privacy settings I need to update so my profile is not so public and I can't be "creeped" on by people I do not know.

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