Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DIY Smackdown Open For Business

What can I do with this old dresser?  What are some great, easy craft ideas for an outside party?  Is there a cheap way to decorate this large white wall in my house?  I am sure a question like this has crossed the minds of almost everyone.  Instead of throwing away that old dresser or going out and buying expensive decorations for your next party, why don't you try and make them yourself.  DIY Smackdown is a business that helps you open up your doors to creativity and allows you to explore new creative ideas that you can enjoy in your life.  Having a problem finding the perfect lamp for your living room? Can't find the right picture to hang in your bedroom? Come into DIY Smackdown and we will help you get your creative wheels spinning.  This DIY blog will give you fresh ideas on fun and exciting crafts and do-it-yourself projects you can do to jazz up every aspect of your life!  They are fun and easy ideas for every occasion!  When someone says, "Where did you get this, it looks wonderful?' You can reply, " I made it myself."

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Samantha!

    I must say that you did an absolutely wonderful job in creating this blog! I love the logo along with the background choices and fonts! It just rows very well. I as well, enjoy DIY crafts especially since I can spend hours on Pinterest! I am not quite sure if this is where you would like me to post my EEI tweets, but since no other post is available I thought I should post it here to be safe.

    I have listed below three suggested EEI tweets that would pertain to your business:
    Engage: Tweet a pic of your recent DIY craft @username
    Entertain: 10 DIY crafts for the holiday season (link)
    Inform: Step by step directions on how to DIY frozen water ballon marbles on cool winter night #DIY
