Friday, September 20, 2013

Blog Posting 3: Facebook Privacy Settings

The privacy settings on Facebook are important to check into and see if your information you share on Facebook is safe. These privacy settings allow you to secure your Facebook information and allow you to control what people see and what they don't see on your page. You are allowed to customize the privacy settings and make your profile as personal or as public as you would like. People should take in to consideration on what people see and who can see what you are doing in your life.

My current privacy setting do not reflect me the best professionally. I do have some privacy settings, but looking at the settings in a professional way, I could have more protection on who can view my profile and what they can see on my profile. If employers are allowed to look at future employees’ profiles, I don't think they would get a very good first impression, they would see a girl who likes to drink and judging by my 4,777 photos, likes to do it a lot. So looking at my Facebook profile in a professional way, my privacy settings could use an update.

The changes I will make to my privacy settings will probably make my Facebook profile less public to people who are not my "Friends" on Facebook. I do have some privacy settings already that block my photos that I am tagged in from random people looking at them. But I feel like there are more privacy settings I need to update so my profile is not so public and I can't be "creeped" on by people I do not know.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Blog Posting 2: Twitter

Twitter is a social media outlet that allows people to interact with others, such as celebrities, businesses, friends and pretty much anything you can think of, you can follow and interact with on Twitter. You are able to communicate back and forth and read about what is going on with the hottest celebrities, the latest gossip between friends, or events going on throughout the world. Unlike Facebook, Twitter only allows you so many characters to write your latest tweet. You have only 140 characters to try and engross your followers. Twitter has great possibilities that allow you to interact with everyone you are following. It's a great way for businesses to interact with their customers and really connect with their consumers.


There are definitely pros and cons using this social media channel. 


·         You are able to communicate to a wide variety of people via Twitter, with the millions of people on Twitter, even if you are a smaller company, you most likely will be able to reach someone who is interested in your company. 

·         You can reach a wide audience because of the popularity of Twitter, and this is great for businesses to try and recruit new consumers and yet still reach reoccurring customers. 

·         With the ability to directly communicate with the people you are following makes it easier to interconnect and interact with them. 

·         Information on Twitter is for the most part accurate being as it comes right from the celebrity or business themselves.



·         Twitter would have to be the limited about of characters you are allowed to use.  140 characters is a limiting number to try and engage your readers, you have to make sure every word or sentence is relevant to what you are trying to get a across to your followers. 

·         There are millions and millions of people sending out tweets all day along, and with some people following a hundred or more people, it gets overwhelming and tiresome for the person trying to keep track of all the people or businesses they are following. 


Examples of tweets for DIY Smackdown:

·         Engage Tweet: Does anyone have an idea for a new Halloween DIY Project that is fun for kids?

·         Entertain Tweet: Looking for ways to update your room? Check out this video for easy DIY projects

·         Inform Tweet: Homeowners, Do not make these mistakes on your next DIY Project! READ:

·         EEI Tweet Using a Hashtag: I love DIY projects to decorate a boring spot in a room! #neverenoughglitter #oldthingsnew #DIY

·         EEI Tweet Using a Mention: I got this idea off of @Pinterest

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DIY Smackdown Open For Business

What can I do with this old dresser?  What are some great, easy craft ideas for an outside party?  Is there a cheap way to decorate this large white wall in my house?  I am sure a question like this has crossed the minds of almost everyone.  Instead of throwing away that old dresser or going out and buying expensive decorations for your next party, why don't you try and make them yourself.  DIY Smackdown is a business that helps you open up your doors to creativity and allows you to explore new creative ideas that you can enjoy in your life.  Having a problem finding the perfect lamp for your living room? Can't find the right picture to hang in your bedroom? Come into DIY Smackdown and we will help you get your creative wheels spinning.  This DIY blog will give you fresh ideas on fun and exciting crafts and do-it-yourself projects you can do to jazz up every aspect of your life!  They are fun and easy ideas for every occasion!  When someone says, "Where did you get this, it looks wonderful?' You can reply, " I made it myself."